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First times....

We have come a long way.

So often we hear these adages..... everything must start some where, every journey begins with the first step, nothing works till we work and many more similar thought provoking and well meaning words of wisdom.

Well, start we did, took our first step and started working.  Perfect Fit was unknown, untested and we were unsure. Armed only with the fact that we won't know if Perfect Fit would work out till we have tried, a dogged belief in ourselves and in the knowledge that the world out there needs a genuine no nonsense effective and safe weight management coaching team. 

Its a few years, well more than a few, 6 years down the track and we are still here. Bigger, stronger, more united than we have ever been. Having helped thousands along the way and with so many adventures and experiences in our memory banks. One word to describe the past 6 years? FUN & FULFILLING ~ errrr, two words. 

Amongst the best highlights that we look forward to as a team along our journey has definitely got to be "The first time" experiences ... Hahaha.. Think straight now.  Everything done and experienced for the first time should always be highlights and milestones of the journey.  We have had many "Firsts" over the years . Too many to fully recall. Perhaps one day we will actually sit down, all of us , and record down for posterity Perfect Fit's "Firsts" . We will. One of these days. May be an interesting project.  

This week we certainly are going to experience not one but TWO  HUGE FIRST.....

Let's talk about the F IRST "First". We reach our hands out to our friends and brothers/sisters from the Chinese speaking community who perhaps have not felt the most comfortable attending our English speaking events and in one way or another have not had the chance to understand the absolute GEM that we hold in our ability to help them should they need help to regain their health and to look great. We have made a huge commitment to hold and continue to hold on a long term basis, Chinese previews of our program in order that what we do and how we can help others may be fully understood in Chinese. We will start with monthly previews with goals towards more regular ones.

WHY NOT, WHAT'S POSSIBLE, HOW DO WE DO THAT ....has always been questions our team believed in asking. We always look for why and how something seemingly impossible CAN be done and never focusing on what's difficult or inconvenient. Never allowing hard work to deter us.

We are well on our way, our Chinese presentation is READY! We have Chinese course materials. Our coaches are ready, well those of us who are not a banana (*Malaysian pun) are. Quite a few of our coaches are proficient in Chinese and as such, we see no reason why we cannot conduct previews and run our program in Chinese. So here we go....

OUR FIRST Chinese preview of our program. 25 November 2014.  Excited. Grateful to those in our team who put in herculean  efforts to get us ready for this launch. You know who you are.

More is coming. Our goal is to bring our program and coaching to firstly the Chinese speaking around us, then to the other cities and towns that are predominantly Chinese speaking. Dare we dream? Eventually, we will conduct Chinese speaking foundation classes for coaches! Mind blowing. And ultimately... DREAM BIG... we will bring our coaching program to Chinese speaking countries around the world.

One step at a time they say. So yes, we will tackle Chinese first. Then in good time, we will turn our sights and attention to running Bahasa Malaysia previews, coaching and training programs. Reflecting our truly Malaysian roots and our muhibbah spirit in our team. That's a story for another day.

When will they be coming to what's the SECOND "First"??

Gone are the days when people look at us with a blank face when the name Perfect Fit is mentioned. Fun as it was to explain to these people who we are and what we do and what stand for, it's of course infinitely better if people already knew those facts and are actually coming to us because they know we are good at what we do and are genuine, friendly and here to stay AND because they needed our help with their health.

Don't get us wrong, we are not a bunch of  jokers with big heads walking around with our heads in the clouds,  of course we are not saying that we are huge, famous or have made it or anything  along those lines. But we do know that we are no longer unknown.  Having served thousands, worked with major companies, banks, hospitals, medical professionals, been invited to speak on national radio and also TV... we do conclude that Perfect Fit is no longer unknown. Res Ipsa Loquitur. The thing speaks for itself. And we must have done something right along the way. Smiles.

Finally, we come to our second "First".  Perfect Fit's first corporate sponsorship of a major charity motor treasure hunt alongside some pretty major brands! Not only that .... We are also the official exercise instructors for the event. Watch out next weekend in the Klang Valley for Perfect Fit's logo pasted on more than 400 cars to swarm the streets of PJ and KL. Woot woot!!  After this weekend, there will be even less blank faces. Promise.

We guess our humble message for the world at large is THANK YOU for your support thus far, do continue to support us. We are serious and committed coaches who will dedicate ourselves to the improvement of your health and lifestlye WITHOUT MEAL REPLACEMENTS  AND WITHOUT DRUGS.

Last words for today....  do  give things a punt, dare to try, but have a plan, prepare to stumble along the way and accept a few battle scars and find like minded people who share your ideals values and dreams and enjoy the ride. Very much like what we did and are doing.

We are TEAM PERFECT FIT. You have been reading our ramblings. Thank you for finishing :)

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